Written by: ED EVANS
A small logo depicting the news story STRANDED ORCA SWIMS TO FREEDOM

In what’s being termed “The great escape”, a young orca's bid for freedom occurred at high tide from a remote Vancouver Island tidal lagoon early Friday morning where it had been trapped for more than a month.


The young whale was enticed to the lagoon outlet by members of two local first nation tribes using a small inflatable vessel and sea lion meat.  The escape involved swimming through a swift-moving, narrow channel and underneath a bridge and then immediately swimming toward the open ocean and making calls for its extended family members, according to rescue officials.


The orca has been the focus of intense rescue efforts since March 23, when her pregnant mother became stranded on a rocky beach and died. 


There were concerns that the young whale might strand itself on the same rocky beach where her mother died during low tide.


The Canadian Fisheries Department will now work with First Nations, whale watchers, researchers and boaters to monitor the location of the orca calf's extended Bigg's killer whale family.


The rescue team will continue to monitor the young orca's whereabouts, her condition, and if she has a chance to reunite with family.

Seed Shooter
Written by: Dennis Again
A small logo depicting the news story Seed Shooter

Dennis again. One more pic of that seed-shooting weed.

Save Oscar!
Written by: Camille
A small logo depicting the news story Save Oscar!

Hi Ciscoe - We have a Dracaena Marginata (his name is Oscar ;)) that is 40+ years old and very tall (~8-9'). We repotted him several years back and added new soil in the last year as well as fertilized. He has been very happy in the same location for 4 years but in the last few months several of the branches have started to yellow then brown and fall off (see attached picture). The branch itself feels kind of squishy like it's rotting. However, I am very careful about watering him and only do so when he is beyond a finger's length into the soil. I am not sure what to do at this point. Any ideas what could be going on and a remedy to try?

Thanks so much! #saveoscar  Camille

Nematodes and Blueberries
Written by: Cindy
A small logo depicting the news story Nematodes and Blueberries


I Hybridize & grow Dahlias in a 32 x 50 plot, on 5 acres.  I've never used Beneficial Nematodes but I'm interested in giving them a try.  It seems that there are different types of Nematodes.  Can you recommend which ones would be best for my purposes?


Also, one of my Blueberry bushes had "rusty spots" on the leaves last year.  Should I be spraying something on it to prevent it?  I have 3 azaleas with it also.  Cindy

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