Hi Ciscoe, I’m bothering you because I have a dilemma I can’t find any answers online to so I’m going to try to explain. Attached are two photos. Two of the same plants, planted in different areas, but have the same issue. There seems to be an ‘interloper’ plant that is growing with them. Since I don’t know the variety, I’m not finding anything online.
When the long tendrils grew around both plants, I assumed I was supposed to cut them off. Then I decided maybe I should leave them. They were growing very long and had seed pods attached along the stems. Now the one that’s in the garden bed vice the box has produced little seedlings everywhere that appear to be from this other interloper plant. It has similar heart shaped leaves but doesn’t look like it’s part of the main plant. I have removed hundreds of these tiny seedlings. I dug up the bigger one, but was not able to see what roots are cyclamen and what belong to the interloper. I put the root ball into a pot and waters it well & placed the pot back in the hole in the shade for now. Do I need to give up?
I have other hardy cyclamens in other beds and they behave themselves.
Can you advise? Thank you, Anna in Allyn